Логика ложности как обобщение трехзначной логики Лукасевича.


S'.A Pavlov


Logic of falsehood is presented as four-valued generalization of both Lukasiewich-Tarski’s extended propositional logic and Lukasiewich’s three-valued logic, which does not coinside with Lukasiewich's original generalization. The non-modal interpretation of unary operators for Lukasiewich’s three-valued logic is suggested.

Logic of falsehood FL4 corresponds to Belnap ’s four-valued logic in various formal and non-formal aspects, likewise its three-valued sublogics correspond to Kleene’s and Lukasiewich's logic, respectively. Here an interrelations between implications for Kleene’s, Lukasiewich’s, Belnap's logics, logic Efde and logic of falsehood are considered.



