Диадические семантики для систем формальной силлогистики.

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В.М. Попов
И.И. Хорохорин


It was shown in [1] that there are any operations which embed into monadic first-order predicate calculus the Cl and C3 syllogistic systems constructed in [2]. This result excludes an opportunity to yield for Cl and C 3 set-theoretical semantics in a «canonical» way, i.e. to yield set-theoretical semantics based on embedding of related syllogistic system into monadic first-order predicate calculus. In paper proposed the set-theoretical semantics both for Cl, C3 and C2, C4 systems is «non-canonically» yielded.


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Как цитировать
Попов В., Хорохорин И. Диадические семантики для систем формальной силлогистики. // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 1998. Т. 5. C. 252-278.