Направленность и обратимость времени.
In this work the differences between the terms “the direction of Time”, “the direction of Becoming” and “the reversibility of Time” are introduced. In short Time has a direction if the order of Time’s moments and its reversion differ from each other. Under the term the direction of Becoming the movement of the present moment either to the future or to the past is understood. The reversibility of Time concerns the full coincidence of all circumstances in different moments of the history. It is demonstrated that from the point of view of logic both the direction of Time and the direction of Becoming can be changed to the opposite. Nevertheless, Time turns out to be irreversible in a specific sense defined in this research.
How to Cite
Anisov A. Направленность и обратимость времени. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 1998. VOL. 6. C. 195-217.