Онтологическая необходимость и аподиктическая силлогистика.
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Г11 present an explication of necessity for categorical propositions, which yields the moduses of Aristotelian modal syllogistic with apodictic conclusion from apodictic and assertoric premises. The explications is carried out by means of translation of apodictic categorical propositions into the language of the second order predicate calculus with monadic predicates, extended by intensional implication$\rightarrow$ of relevant system \textbf{EQ}. All Aristotelian moduses of above-mentioned type are valid, except Darapti with minor apodictic premise (since the conversion of particular and general affirmative apodictic propositions is impossible), but including Bocardo and Baroco with apodictic negative premises as well as Darii with apodictic minor premise and apodictic conclusion.
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Войшвилло Е. Онтологическая необходимость и аподиктическая силлогистика. // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 1998. Т. 6. C. 227-229.