Семантика анафоры как оператора доопределения.

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I.B. Mikirtumov


This paper deals with logic of anaphoric update operator. It is well known that the diverse variants of dynamic semantics are efficient way to interpretation of anaphora. At the same time an anaphora itself may be considered as update operator with property of eliminating. This operator acts within the limits of the epistemic attitudes of the recipient of phrase and determines the meaning of anaphoricaly defined names. It is possible to express the static meaning of anaphor’s operator by means of epistemic logic by use the methods of van Eijck and de Vries’s update logic.


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How to Cite
Mikirtumov I. Семантика анафоры как оператора доопределения. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2000. VOL. 7. C. 192-198.