Погружение воображаемой логики Н. А. Васильева в кванторную трехзначную логику.
The aim o f the paper is to provide a form alization o f Nikolai Vasiliev's imaginary logic and to establish its m etatheoretical relation to quantified m any-valued logic. Syllogistic type calculus EL which axiom atizes the set o f imaginary logic laws is form ulated. The natural translation o f affirm ative, negative and «indifferent» (contradictory) statem ents o f the imaginary>logic into the language o f quantified three-valued logic is offered. It is p roved that IL system is em bedded into three-valued quantified Lukasiewicz logic
How to Cite
Markin V. Погружение воображаемой логики Н. А. Васильева в кванторную трехзначную логику. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2000. VOL. 7. C. 252-260.