Исчисления частичных предикатов хао вана и их расширения, допускающие итерацию» импликации.

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M.N. Bezhanishvili


Нао Wang [10] suggested two extensions of predicate calculus permitting partially defined predicates. He formulated two calculi of partial predicates PP and EP. Interpretation of implication of these calculi depends on the relations between all possible values of its parts. Therefore, the notion of a formula is restricted in PP and EP as implication is not iterating in them. A.Pose [9] constructed an independent system of axioms for propositional fragment of PP with finite number of axioms and proved its completeness by means of a syntactic criterion of provability in it. N.M.Ermolaeva [4] has done the same for propositional fragment of EP applying semantical criterion of the validity. In the present article we give the Rose style proof of completeness of the propositional fragment of EP introducing a syntactic criterion of provability in it, and on the ground of a modified relational semantics we formulate extensions of PP and EP permitting iteration of implication.


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Bezhanishvili M. Исчисления частичных предикатов хао вана и их расширения, допускающие итерацию» импликации. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2001. VOL. 8. C. 26-37.


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