Квазиматричная логика - основа теории фактических (физических) модальностей.


Y.V. Ivlev


Quasi-matrix logic is based on generalisation o f classical logic principles: bivalencv (propositions take values from the domain {t (truth), f (falsity)}); consistency (a proposition can not have both the values); excluded middle (a proposition necessarily has some o f these values); identity (in a complex proposition, a system o f propositions, an argument one and the same proposition has one and the same value from the domain $\{t,f\}$); matrix principle — logical connectives are defined by matrices. As a result o f generalisation we have quasi-matrix logic principles: the principle o f fourvalencv (propositions take values from the domain $\{t^n,t^c,f^c,f^i\}$); consistency: can not have more than one value from $\{t^n,t^c,f^c,f^I\}$) the principle o f excluded fifth; identity (in a complex proposition, a system o f propositions, an argument one and the same proposition has one and the same value from the domain $\{t^n,t^c,f^c,f^i\}$); the quasi-matrix principle (logical terms are interpreted as quasi-functions). Quasi-matrix logic is a logic o f factual modalities.






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