О загадке контекстов мнения. Подход к семантике интенсиональных систем

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E.D. Smirnova


A non-standard approach to semantics of intensional systems is developed. The semantics for intensional system IPL (Intensional Predicate Logic) is constructed. The pecularities of IPL: (I) any expression including intensional predicates and operators has an intension as well as an extension;

(2) intesional contexts differ from extensional mainly by ascription of specific values to intensional predicates (operators) and, what is more important, by a way of their combination with arguments; (3) an intension of any complex e x t e n s i o n a l e x p r e s s i o n is a function of intensions of its compounds;

(4) an extension of any complex i n t e n s i o n a l e x p r e s s i o n is a function offunctor’s extension and intensions of its arguments; (5) unlike Montague's method, this approach allows to construct an intensional logic as first-order system.

Logical aspect of analysis of intensional contexts is important for us. A key to the puzzle of these contexts can befoundjust there not in behavior ofproper names. The core idea of this approach is that semantical analysis of intensional contexts presupposes, first of all, identification ofpeculiarities of their logical structure.

Proposed approach discovers peculiarities of semantics of intensional contexts. It gives the key for comprehension Kripke's “puzzle of belief contexts ”.


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How to Cite
Smirnova E. О загадке контекстов мнения. Подход к семантике интенсиональных систем // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2001. VOL. 8. C. 199-209.


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