Основные области приложения квазиматричной логики.
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The basic notion of quasi-matrix logic is a notion of quasi-matrix. A set $(Q,G,qf_l,...,qf_s)$ is a quasi-matrix. Q and G are non-empty sets. $Q\subseteq G$ ; $qf_l,...,qf_s$ are quasi-functions.
This logic had been created to describe connections between statements containing notions “necessity”, “possibility”, “contingency” and some others meaning as factual (physical, ontological) modalities. The main systems of four-valued and three-valued quasi-matrix logic are presenting in [1-6].
Quasi-matrix logic has been applied to the fields beyond logic (theory of notion, philosophical categories, theory of argumentation, etc) and in the other parts of logic as well. These fields are para-consistent logic for dubitable information, logic of propositional attitudes, three-valued and five-valued logic of norms.
This logic had been created to describe connections between statements containing notions “necessity”, “possibility”, “contingency” and some others meaning as factual (physical, ontological) modalities. The main systems of four-valued and three-valued quasi-matrix logic are presenting in [1-6].
Quasi-matrix logic has been applied to the fields beyond logic (theory of notion, philosophical categories, theory of argumentation, etc) and in the other parts of logic as well. These fields are para-consistent logic for dubitable information, logic of propositional attitudes, three-valued and five-valued logic of norms.
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Ивлев Ю. Основные области приложения квазиматричной логики. // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 2002. Т. 9. C. 103-112.
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Ивлев Ю. В. Квазиматричная логика - основа теории фактических модальностей // Логические исследования. Вып. 8. М., 2001. С. 50-64.
Ivlev У. V. Theory of Logical Modalities // Multi. Val. Logic. 2000. Voi, 5. P.91-102.
Ivlev У V. Outlines of the transition from the principles of traditional logic to the principles of non-classical logic // Zwischen traditioneller und modemen logik. Nichklassische Ansatze. Mentis, 2001. S. 297-310.
Ivlev У V. Quasi-matrix logic as a paraconsistent logic for dubitable information // Logic and Logical Philosofy. Vol. 8. 2000. P. 91-97.
Ivlev У. V. Quasi-Functional Logic and Logic of Propositional Attitudes /7 Philosophic und Logik. Frege-Kolloquien, Jena, 1989/1991. Berlin; New York, 1993. S.200-204.
Кузнецов A. M Квазиматричная логика норм. Автореферат дис. канд. филос. наук. М., 1998.
Ивлев Ю. В. Таблицы истинности для модальной логики // Вести. Моек, ун-та. Сер. Философия. 1973, № 6. С. 51-61.
Ивлев Ю. В. Содержательная семантика модальной логики. М., 1985. 170 с.
Ивлев Ю. В. Модальная логика. М., 1991. 224 с.
Ивлев Ю. В . Квазифункционапьная логика // НТИ, сер. 2. Информ. процессы и системы. 1992. № 6.
Ивлев Ю. В. Квазиматричная логика - основа теории фактических модальностей // Логические исследования. Вып. 8. М., 2001. С. 50-64.
Ivlev У. V. Theory of Logical Modalities // Multi. Val. Logic. 2000. Voi, 5. P.91-102.
Ivlev У V. Outlines of the transition from the principles of traditional logic to the principles of non-classical logic // Zwischen traditioneller und modemen logik. Nichklassische Ansatze. Mentis, 2001. S. 297-310.
Ivlev У V. Quasi-matrix logic as a paraconsistent logic for dubitable information // Logic and Logical Philosofy. Vol. 8. 2000. P. 91-97.
Ivlev У. V. Quasi-Functional Logic and Logic of Propositional Attitudes /7 Philosophic und Logik. Frege-Kolloquien, Jena, 1989/1991. Berlin; New York, 1993. S.200-204.
Кузнецов A. M Квазиматричная логика норм. Автореферат дис. канд. филос. наук. М., 1998.