Rationalities in conflict: compensatory logico-cognitive irrationality in interactive contexts.

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А. Блинов


The aim of the article is to make a couple of steps toward a theory of conflicts between two different varieties of rationality, - namely: (i) logico-cognitive, or epistemic rationality123 and (ii) rationality, all things considered, or aggregative rationality.

The main interest of such a theory, as I perceive it, may be that, when applied to interactive contexts, it provides a basis for plausible explanations of some kinds of empirically observed irrationalities in human thought and behaviour.

1) I will begin with a brief exposition of a theory of the two rationalities. (2) Then I will construct and discuss a paradigmatic interactive situation in which for all the participants it is rational, all things considered, to jointly indulge in an epistemic irrationality, because such a choice restores Pareto-efficiency of the initially Pareto-inefficient situation. (3) Finally, I will discuss the significance and scope of possible applications of the paradigmatic model. In particular, I will argue that the paradigmatic model can provide explanations for the persistence of at least some sorts of ideologies.


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Как цитировать
Блинов А. Rationalities in conflict: compensatory logico-cognitive irrationality in interactive contexts. // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 2003. Т. 10. C. 233-240.


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