Людвиг Витгенштейн и Софья Александровна Яновская «кембриджский гений» знакомится с советскими математиками 30-х годов.
In this paper we discuss L. Witgenstein’s visit to the Soviet Russia in 1935 and his contacts with Soviet mathematicians Yanovskaya, Glivenko, Yushkevich, probably Kolmogorov, and some others. We show that Witgenstein was disinclined to discuss with them any specific problems of mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics. We speculate about what may and what may not have been discussed by them. We clarify a number of facts and rebut a number of wide-circulated myths concerning Wittgenstein’s stay in the USSR.
How to Cite
Biryukov B., Biryukova L. Людвиг Витгенштейн и Софья Александровна Яновская «кембриджский гений» знакомится с советскими математиками 30-х годов. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2004. VOL. 11. C. 46-94.