Аристотелевская аподиктическая силлогистика: метод получения избыточной информации; фрагментарность.

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Л.И. Мчедлишвили


The article exemines some defects of the Aristotelian theory of apodeictic syllogisms. 1) To demonstrate the invalidity of some mixed apodeictic moods, for example $Barba^{\square}ra^\square$ (An. Pr. 30a 24-28), Aristotle, except contrasted instances, used the method of argumentation to derive such consequence from the apodeictic premise and conclusion of a mood, the negation of which is consistent with the other, assertoric premise. It is argued that this Aristotelian method involves application of the formally incorrect rule: if $G\vdash F$ and $F\nvdash H$, then $G\nvdash H$. 2) It is shown, that there are the apodeictic syllogisms ($Barba^{\square}ri^\square$, $Ca^{\square}mestro^\square p$ and so on) for which with use of Aristotelian means neither proving, nor rejecting is possible. A survey of all such moods is given in the article.


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Как цитировать
Мчедлишвили Л. Аристотелевская аподиктическая силлогистика: метод получения избыточной информации; фрагментарность. // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 2004. Т. 11. C. 228-237.


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