Аналог теоремы Макинсона для нормальных модальных логик с оператором Сегерберга.

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D.P. Shkatov


We prove the analogue of Makinson s theorem ([Makinson, 1971]) for normal modal logics with the Segerberg operator, i. e. logics with two unary modalities: the usual ‘‘necessity” operator $\square$ and the operator $\square^*$, defined by the “Segerberg axioms”, $\square^*\phi\longleftrightarrow\phi\&\square\square^*$ and $\phi\&\square^*(\phi\rightarrow\square\phi)\rightarrow\square^*\phi$. (The Segerberg operator is widely known as one of the modalities of propositional dynamic logic.) As the corollary of the proven result we get a simple decidability procedure for effectively axiomatizable normal logics with the Segerberg operator.


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How to Cite
Shkatov D. Аналог теоремы Макинсона для нормальных модальных логик с оператором Сегерберга. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2004. VOL. 11. C. 304-310.


[Makinson, 1971] Makinson, D. Some embedding theorems for modal logic. II Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic. 1971. Vol. 12. P. 252-254.