Композициональная концептуализация в интенсиональной логике.
The present article aims at delineating the procedure of constructing compositional conceptualisation of arbitrary complex expression that is based on compositional conceptualisation of the expression components. Examples of acting of the procedure are considered which are to demonstrate that polymorphicality of sense may be used as an instrument serving to realize “Alternative 0 ” in the logic of sense and denotation of Church. Polymorphicality of sense is regarded as the logical characteristic of the contextual dependence which may be brought into light by means of logic of sense and denotation only. This sense dependence taken as a means of contextual analysis does not depend on semantic and linguistic methods of its analysis.
How to Cite
Mikirtumov I. Композициональная концептуализация в интенсиональной логике. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2005. VOL. 12. C. 211-225.
Микиртумов И.Б. Композициональные и некомпозициональные типы в интенсиональной логике // Логические исследования. Вып. 11. М., 2004. С. 200-214.
Myhill J. Problems Arising in the Formalisation of Intentional Logic // Logique et Analyse. 1958. V. 1. P. 78-83.
Myhill J. Problems Arising in the Formalisation of Intentional Logic // Logique et Analyse. 1958. V. 1. P. 78-83.