Алгоритмическая проблема финитарного семантического следования пропозициональных формул I: контекст и постановка задачи


A.V. Chagrov


Different (nonequivalent) notions of the semantic consequence of propositional formulas, among which the notion of finitary semanic consequence is selected, are described. Some statements which are based on certain folklore proofs have been given. The example is Kuznetsov’s observation which allows to prove the following unexpected statement: there is not an algorithm which, given a recursive (that is, decidable) set of propositional formulas, recognizes the presence at least of one invalid formula. But the aim of discussion in this paper is the setting of an algorithmic problem of finitary semantic consequence for various nonclassical propositional logics, such as modal, intuitionistic ones, Visser’s logics. Solutions of these problems will be given in the following papers of series.






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