Генетический тип дедукции — альтернатива традиционно понимаемой дедукции как выводу из аксиом

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A.A. Krushinskiy


In present paper the constructive type of deductive reasoning is contrasted with traditional (i.e. based on the notion of axiomatic system) form of deduction. The main thesis of the paper is that the logico-methodological thought of ancient China demonstrates the most advanced (in ancient world) historical realization of constructive approach to logic. The key pattern of logical entailment in China (the so called “reasoning according with a standard”) was ideologically close and formally equivalent to the method of mathematical induction.


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Krushinskiy A. Генетический тип дедукции — альтернатива традиционно понимаемой дедукции как выводу из аксиом // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2007. VOL. 14. C. 176-186.


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