Truth as value and duty: lessons of mathematics
Talk at the International Symposium of the Balzan Foundation “Truth in the Humanities, Science and Religion”, Lugano, May 16-17, 2008.
How to Cite
Manin Y. Truth as value and duty: lessons of mathematics // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2009. VOL. 15. C. 284-295.
S. Blackburn. Truth and Ourselves: the Elusive Last Word. Keynote talk at the Balzan Symposium “Truth”, May 2008.
L. Bovens, S. Hartmann. Bayesian Epistemology. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2003.
R.C. Clemens, R.L. Hughes. Mathematical Modelling of a Mediaeval Battle: the Battle of Agincourt, Math, and Computers in Simulation, 64:2 (2004), 259-269.
J.W. Dauben. Georg Cantor. His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton University Press, 1990.
P. Davis, R. Hersh. The Mathematical Experience. Birkhauser Boston, 1986.
_.M. Enzensberger. Drawbridge Up. Mathematics — a Cultural Anathema. A.K. Peters, Natick, Mass., 1999.
G. Lakoff. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. In: A. Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought (2nd ed.). Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
B. Mandelbrot, R. Hudson. The (Mis)behavior of Markets: a Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Rewards. Profile, 2005.
Yu. Manin. Mathematics as Metaphor. (Selected Essays, with Foreword by F. Dyson). American Math. Society, 2007.
Yu. Manin. Mathematical Knowledge: Internal, Social and Cultural Aspects. (Introductory Chapter to vol. 2 of “La Matematica”, Einaudi, ed. by C. Bartocci and P. Odifreddi, reproduced in [Mai], pp. 3-26). Preprint math.HO/0703427
J.D. Peters. Courting the Abyss: Free Speech and the Liberal Tradition. Chicago, 2005.
M. Poovey. Can Numbers Ensure Honesty? Unrealistic expectations and the US accounting scandal. Notices of the AMS, vol. 50:1, Jan. 2003, pp. 27-35.
I. Stewart. The Problems of Mathematics. Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.
L. Bovens, S. Hartmann. Bayesian Epistemology. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2003.
R.C. Clemens, R.L. Hughes. Mathematical Modelling of a Mediaeval Battle: the Battle of Agincourt, Math, and Computers in Simulation, 64:2 (2004), 259-269.
J.W. Dauben. Georg Cantor. His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite. Princeton University Press, 1990.
P. Davis, R. Hersh. The Mathematical Experience. Birkhauser Boston, 1986.
_.M. Enzensberger. Drawbridge Up. Mathematics — a Cultural Anathema. A.K. Peters, Natick, Mass., 1999.
G. Lakoff. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. In: A. Ortony (ed.), Metaphor and Thought (2nd ed.). Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
B. Mandelbrot, R. Hudson. The (Mis)behavior of Markets: a Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Rewards. Profile, 2005.
Yu. Manin. Mathematics as Metaphor. (Selected Essays, with Foreword by F. Dyson). American Math. Society, 2007.
Yu. Manin. Mathematical Knowledge: Internal, Social and Cultural Aspects. (Introductory Chapter to vol. 2 of “La Matematica”, Einaudi, ed. by C. Bartocci and P. Odifreddi, reproduced in [Mai], pp. 3-26). Preprint math.HO/0703427
J.D. Peters. Courting the Abyss: Free Speech and the Liberal Tradition. Chicago, 2005.
M. Poovey. Can Numbers Ensure Honesty? Unrealistic expectations and the US accounting scandal. Notices of the AMS, vol. 50:1, Jan. 2003, pp. 27-35.
I. Stewart. The Problems of Mathematics. Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.