Formal Methodology
In general terms, methodology is a study of the entire scientific inquiry process: how science arrives at the posited goal. There are different kinds of goals for scientific inquiry. For example, goals may be epistemic (truth), aesthetic (simplicity) or several kinds of pragmatic goals (efficiency, economy, and explanatory power). It is not the concern of methodology what this goal happens to be. More generally, formal methods turned out to be effective tools in philosophical analysis, in the paper we will show this introducing the interrogative model and some basic properties of it, let us mention the covering law theorem. Finally we will formulate some philosophical implications of the model introduced.
How to Cite
Muttanen A. Formal Methodology // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2009. VOL. 15. C. 296-313.
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Burgin M. Three aspects of Super-recursive Algorithms and Hypercomputation or Finding Black Swans // Theoretical Computer Science 317, 2004. P. 1-11.
Engestrom Y. Activity Theory and Individual and Social Transformation, in Engestrom, Y., R. Miettinen, and R-L. Punamaki (eds.) // Perspectives on Activity Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Follesdal D. // Hendricks and Symons, 2005.
Haack S. // Hendricks and Symons, 2005.
Hendricks V.F. The Convergence of Scientific Knowledge — a View from the Limit // Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
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Hintikka J. Logic,Language-Games and Information : Kantian Themes in the Philosophy of Logic // Clarendon Press, 1973.
Hintikka J. The logic of science as a model-oriented logic. In P. Asquith and P. Kitcher (eds.) // PSA, vol. 1. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association, 1984. P. 177-185.
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Hintikka J. Socratic Epistemology // Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Hintikka J. and Bachman J. What If...? Toward Excellence in Reasoning // Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991.
Hintikka J., Halonen I. and Mutanen A. Interrogative Logic as a General Theory of Reasoning in R.H. Johnson and J. Woods (eds.) // Handbook of Practical Reasoning, Kluwer Academic, 2002.
Kelly K. The Logic of Reliable Inquiry // Oxford University Press, 1996.
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Mutanen A. From Computation to Truth via Learning // Helsinki, 2004.
Mutanen A. Methodology of Engineering Science as a Combination of Epistemic, Ethical and Aesthetic Aspects, in Hyldgaard, Steen (ed.) // Philosophy in Engineering, Academica, 2007.
Niiniluoto I. The Aim and Structure of Applied Research // Erkenntnis 38, 1993. P. 1-21.
Niiniluoto I.Truthlikeness // D. Reidel, 1987.
Priest G. Logic // The Newsletterfor Philosophical Logic and Its Applications, Springer, 2007.
Sandu G. // Hendricks and Symons, 2005.
von Wright G. H. Explanation and Understanding, Routledge and K. Paul, 1971.