The path of logic in Ukraine
This paper traces the development of history of logic in Ukraine in the 19th century and early 20th century. The author particularly discusses and compares the logical concepts of representatives of Kyiv philosophies, who made their contribution to the development of logic as a science and academic discipline. Some of them had sunk into oblivion for a long time and their names are still unknown in the logic community.
How to Cite
Khomenko I. The path of logic in Ukraine // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2013. VOL. 19. C. 51-67.
The case of imposing a duty of teaching logic and experimental psychology on professors of theology, or religious teachers in higher educational institutions, July 31, 1850, February 8, The State Archive of Ukraine, F.16, Op.289, Case.130.
Review of Teaching at St. Vladimir University of Kyiv in the 1st half of 1885-86 academic year, with applications 4 tables of lectures, The State Scientific Archive Library, XVIII-6-1b, 0-21, Кyiv, 1885, p. 1.
Curriculums and rules of Historical-Philological Department of St. Vladimir University of Kyiv, The State Scientific Archive Library, VIII6-1b, О-28, Kyiv, 1907.
University Bulletin 11:4, 1910, The State Scientific Archive Library, 05, U-59.
Minto, V., Deductive and Inductive Logic, Moscow, 1896; Lipps, Th., The Fundamentals of Logic, St. Petersburg, 1902; Sigwart, Ch., Logic, St. Petersburg, 1908; Vvedenskyi, A. I., Logic as a Part of Epistemology, St. Petersburg, 1909.
Collected works on Philosophy (1834–1840), Logic for Students of Kyiv Academy by I.M. Skvortsov, written by a KTA student Andrii Monastyriov, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 348 L (Mus. 757), Vol.1.
Karpov, V. N., Systematic Exposition of Logic, St. Petersburg, 1856.
Mikhnevich, I.G., An Experience of Gradual Development of Major Thinking Activity as a Guideline for Initial Teaching of Logic, Odessa, 1847.
Novitskyi, Or., Compendium of Logic with Preliminary Outline of Psychology, Кyiv, 1844.
Collected works on Philosophy (1834–1840). Something about Logic from Novitskyi’s Lectures, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 348 L (Mus. 757), Vol. II.
Hogotskyi, S.S., Philosophy Lexicon: 4 volumes, Kyiv, 1857–1873.
Curriculum and Readings on Logic, 1863. Logical Problems. Elementary Logic. Readings, 1864, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 13.
Readings on Logic (abridged), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 14.
Trandelenburg’s Research on Logic. Abridged, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 15.
Lectures on Logic (1864-65 academic year), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 16.
Notes with Regard to Ch. Sigward’s ‘Logic’, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 17.
From Logic (lithographic lectures), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 18.
Linitskyi, P.I., Adolf Trandelenburg’s Research in Logic, translated by Korsh (1868) and other authors (F.Iberveg, H.Ulrits, R.Zaidel, L.Rabus, I.Khoppe), Proceedings of KTA, 1871. Book 9, Book 12.
Linitskyi, P.I., On Forms and Laws of Thinking, Kharkov, 1895.
Linitskyi, P.I., Words and Speeches at Various Dates and Events as Student’s Essays, Lectures on Logic by P.Linitskyi, written by his student P. Kudriavtsev, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, F.160, № 815.
Chelpanov, G.I., Textbook on Logic, the 8-th edition, Moscow, 1915.
Review of Teaching at St. Vladimir University of Kyiv in the 1st half of 1885-86 academic year, with applications 4 tables of lectures, The State Scientific Archive Library, XVIII-6-1b, 0-21, Кyiv, 1885, p. 1.
Curriculums and rules of Historical-Philological Department of St. Vladimir University of Kyiv, The State Scientific Archive Library, VIII6-1b, О-28, Kyiv, 1907.
University Bulletin 11:4, 1910, The State Scientific Archive Library, 05, U-59.
Minto, V., Deductive and Inductive Logic, Moscow, 1896; Lipps, Th., The Fundamentals of Logic, St. Petersburg, 1902; Sigwart, Ch., Logic, St. Petersburg, 1908; Vvedenskyi, A. I., Logic as a Part of Epistemology, St. Petersburg, 1909.
Collected works on Philosophy (1834–1840), Logic for Students of Kyiv Academy by I.M. Skvortsov, written by a KTA student Andrii Monastyriov, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 348 L (Mus. 757), Vol.1.
Karpov, V. N., Systematic Exposition of Logic, St. Petersburg, 1856.
Mikhnevich, I.G., An Experience of Gradual Development of Major Thinking Activity as a Guideline for Initial Teaching of Logic, Odessa, 1847.
Novitskyi, Or., Compendium of Logic with Preliminary Outline of Psychology, Кyiv, 1844.
Collected works on Philosophy (1834–1840). Something about Logic from Novitskyi’s Lectures, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 348 L (Mus. 757), Vol. II.
Hogotskyi, S.S., Philosophy Lexicon: 4 volumes, Kyiv, 1857–1873.
Curriculum and Readings on Logic, 1863. Logical Problems. Elementary Logic. Readings, 1864, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 13.
Readings on Logic (abridged), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 14.
Trandelenburg’s Research on Logic. Abridged, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 15.
Lectures on Logic (1864-65 academic year), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 16.
Notes with Regard to Ch. Sigward’s ‘Logic’, Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 17.
From Logic (lithographic lectures), Philosophical Lectures and Notes by P.D. Yurkevich, Professor of Кyiv Academy and Moscow University, XIX century, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, KTA 352 L (Mus. 818a), № 18.
Linitskyi, P.I., Adolf Trandelenburg’s Research in Logic, translated by Korsh (1868) and other authors (F.Iberveg, H.Ulrits, R.Zaidel, L.Rabus, I.Khoppe), Proceedings of KTA, 1871. Book 9, Book 12.
Linitskyi, P.I., On Forms and Laws of Thinking, Kharkov, 1895.
Linitskyi, P.I., Words and Speeches at Various Dates and Events as Student’s Essays, Lectures on Logic by P.Linitskyi, written by his student P. Kudriavtsev, The Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.S. Vernadskyi, F.160, № 815.
Chelpanov, G.I., Textbook on Logic, the 8-th edition, Moscow, 1915.