A case for satisfaction classes: model theoretic vs axiomatic approaches to the notion of truth

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А. Стролло


One of the basic question we can ask about truth in a formal setting is what, if anything, we gain when we have a truth predicate at disposal. For example, does the expressive power of a language change or does the proof strength of a theory increase?
Satisfaction classes are often described as complicated model theoretic constructions unable to give useful information toward the notion of truth from a general point of view. Their import is narrowed to a dimension of pure technical utility and curiosity. Here I offer an application of satisfaction classes in order to show that they can have a relevant role in confronting proof theoretical equivalent theories of truth.


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Стролло А. A case for satisfaction classes: model theoretic vs axiomatic approaches to the notion of truth // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 2013. Т. 19. C. 246-259.


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