Non-classical Modifications of Many-valued Matrices of the Classical Propositional Logic. Part I


L. Y. Devyatkin


This paper constitutes the first part of the duology dedicated to many-valued matrices of the classical propositional logic regarded as a tool of construction and analysis of non-classical logics, and it is for the most part of the survey nature. First, I analyze the three approaches to the question when a many-valued matrix defines the classical propositional logic, which are based on the notions of theory, logical consequence relation with single conclusions and multiple-conclusion consequence relation. Then I deal with the matrices of non-classical logics which are functional extensions of classical matrices. The examples of individual matrices of this kind, as well as some classes of them, are considered, some of them known in the literature, and some completely new. Their functional properties are investigated. Among the examples considered are the matrices of three-valued logics of Post, _ukasiewicz, Bochvar and others. Moreover, I explore a class of matrices which define logics of formal inconsistency $(LFI)$. On the basis of duality between paraconsistent and paracomplete logics, a class of matrices which define logics of formal uncertainty is constructed.Furthermore, I develop a class of four-valued matrices which combine formal inconsistency and formal uncertainty.In the concluding part of the paper I~investigate another class of matrices, defining paraconsistent logics which are not logics of formal inconsistency. DOI: 10.21146/2074-1472-2016-22-2-27-58






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