Theodoros Prodromos Logical Works: «Xenedemos and Voices»


O. Y. Goncharko
Y. A. Slilin
D. A. Alexandrovich


This article is the one from our series of articles on the logical texts of Theodoros Prodromos, the Byzantine author of the XII century. We consider to discuss a dialogue «Xenedemos or voices» written in the tradition of platonic dialogue and dedicated to the analysis of the five voices (predicabilia) definitions made by Porphyry in «Isagoge». This text have not yet been translated into any of the modern scientific languages and it is not investigated both in historical and logical scientific literature as well as in the studies of Byzantine literature of the XII century. Nevertheless the ideas of Theodoros Prodromos are interesting in historical, logical, philosophical and literature development perspectives. The purpose of the article is to make a presentation of logical puzzles of Theodoros Prodromos, as well as to offer some outlines of their possible solutions.DOI: 10.21146/2074-1472-2016-22-2-91-122






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