Deformalization as the immanent part of logical solving

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Николай Николаевич Непейвода


Deformalization is the part of logical process least investigated and studied. It is often non-trivial and hard task because of
subjective and objective complexities.

Subjective complexities connected with logic.
Deformalization is needed to present results of logical investigations to outsiders. Outsiders usually use languages and formalisms very far from logical ones.
Their thesaurus usually barely intersects with logical one.
Thus formulations on logical language cannot be appreciated and comprehended by outsiders and formulation of results needs to be completely replaced by non-logical. This task often is like to translating from one natural language into another with radically different semantic structure and system of notions (e.g. from Russian into Chinese and vice versa).

Subjective complexities connected with roles.
Systems of values of the problem solver and the decision consumer is radically different. Many aspects which were important during solution are out of scope of interests of the consumer. Many aspects which were "important" for the consumer are to be negligible for the solver but they are to be restored in presentation of the decision. This side of deformalization leads a bridge to the objective complexities.

Objective complexities.
Methods applied during formalization and solving induce "dual" methods are to be applied during deformalization.

General conclusions and propositions.
After analyzing whole process of logical solving in its unity it is possible to make some conclusions how logic can take a place which it is worth both in scientific analysis and in education.

Interesting in more detailed speculations of this matter are addressed to the Russian variant.


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Как цитировать
Непейвода Н. Н. Deformalization as the immanent part of logical solving // Логические исследования / Logical Investigations. 2019. Т. 25. № 1. C. 120-130.


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