О критерии паранормальности для $n$-значных логических матриц
As a result of generalization the $n$-valued case of the algorithm for constructing literal paraconsistent / paracomplete logics by combining isomorphs of classical logic, we obtain classes of paraconsistent, paracomplete and paranormal logics. Paranormal logics – logics that are both paraconsistent and paracomplete at the same time. The criterion of the non-verifiability of the Duns Scotus law in the corresponding logical matrix is taken as the criterion of the paraconsistency of logic. The criterion of the non-verifiability of Clavius' law in the corresponding logical matrix is taken as a criterion of the paracompleteness of logic.
The paper considers the type of $n$-valued logical matrices that define paranormal systems. The question of the class of tautologies defined by this type of matrices is investigated. It is proved that according to the class of tautologies, the studied matrices coincide with the four-valued paranormal matrices of the logics $\mathbf V$, $\mathbf{I^1P^1}$ presented in the literature.
Copyright (c) 2021 Наталья Евгеньевна Томова
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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