The House that Carroll Built: Regress and Adoption in Formal Justification
This paper addresses Lewis Carroll's infinite justification regress described in his essay “What the Tortoise said to Achilles”. It demonstrates that the discussions on justification regress, which is caused by turning а rule of inference into an additional premise of that inference, roots in the problem of topical justification in ancient and medieval logic. It is shown that Charles S. Peirce’s doctrine on guiding principles of reasoning, which was elaborated under a direct influence of scholastic logic, does not allow stopping the regress of justification. The paper also demonstrates the limitations of overcoming this regress in Gilbert Ryle’s dispositional interpretation of the logical knowing as knowing how. Special attention is paid to Sol Kripke's adoption problem, which questions the possibility of rationally adopting and revising the basic principles of logic. The paper reveals the inconsistency that Kripke’s interpretation of the “Cartesian” procedure of revising logical laws and principles has with Descartes’ theories of deduction and eternal truths. It argues for a dynamic approach to resolving the problem of adoption, which is related to overcoming the dichotomy of rules of inference, constitutive and non-constitutive for the meaning of logical constants in logical theory (logica docens). It also overcomes the opposition of the exhaustive logical knowing how and its total absence in the practice of real cognitive agents’ reasoning (logica utens). It is shown that the structural realignment of the logical system and the conceptual design of its key concepts are not being carried out in a sequential manner, but synchronically, due to the internal relations between these concepts. It attempts to provide a dynamic interpretation of a principle of compositionality, based on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s doctrine of internal relations.
Copyright (c) 2022 Елена Григорьевна Драгалина
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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