Binary Predicate, Transitive Closure, Two-Three Variables: Shall We Play Dominoes?


Михаил Николаевич Рыбаков


Tiling problems are a convenient tool for studying algorithmic complexity of problems arising in various branches of mathematics, including logic. The paper describes modelling of domino problems using the first-order language, as well as some additional language constructs, some of which are not elementary. This enables us both to obtain simple proofs of known facts about undecidability of satisfiability problems for various fragments of the first-order language and to obtain some new results. It is known that the satisfiability problem for the first-order formulas containing at most two individual variables is decidable; it is also known that the transitivity of a binary relation and the composition of binary relations are first-order definable with formulas of three individual variables. We show that addition of the operator of transitivity test for a binary relation (or a stronger tool, the transitive closure operator), together with the operator of composition, results in an undecidable satisfiability problem for formulas with two individual variables, a single binary predicate letter, and equality.




Symbolic Logic



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