Terminology and Their Meanings in Makariy Pеtrovich’s “Logic”


A.S. Alekseeva


The article focuses on one of the types of explications in Makariy Petrovich’s “Logic” – glossing a loanword term of any origin with the conjunction или. The investigation of four combinations  shows that the second component of the pair is a lexeme with a Slavic root well known Russian speakers. The model of constructions only in rare cases correlates with the Latin-language sources: Institutionesphilosophiae rationalis methodo Wolfii conscripta (1735 г.) и Elementa philosophiae recentiorisusibus juventutis scholasticae accommodata (1747 г.) by Fr.Chr. Baumeister. 
In his explanations Makariy Petrovich uses the vocabulary of Russian language, Polonisms and Polish lexical derivation model. The comparison with historical dictionaries of the Russian language and texts of the 18th century and earlier from the National Corpus of the Russian Language identifies the first fixation of some words in the “Logic”.




History of Logic



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