On the question of the criteria for the paracompleteness of logics


N.E. Tomova


The paper discusses some aspects related to the definition of a paracomplete logics. There are various ways to formalize the basic condition of paracompleteness – the requirement of the presence in the logical system of such formulas that these formulas themselves and their negations are false. The corresponding definitions of the paracompleteness are given. It is indicated in which cases these definitions may be equivalent. The conditions of equivalence of the law of excluded middle $\varphi\vee\neg\varphi$, the law of Clavius $(\neg\varphi\to\varphi) \to\varphi$ and its special case $(\varphi\to\neg\varphi) \to \neg\varphi$ are considered. The paper deals with issues related to the issues of the paracomplete negation, as well as its modal interpretation.




Non-classical logics


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