Altenatives to Kripke semantics for epistemic logic

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Vitaliy V. Dolgorukov


The article discusses the difficulties that are caused by the use of standard Kripke semantics for the analysis of epistemic scenarios: the presence in the model of possible worlds that are indistinguishable by any formula; combinatorial explosion (exponential growth of the set of possible worlds); overspecification of the initial epistemic scenario by the proposed model. Alternative options for constructing epistemic logic that seek to overcome these difficulties are considered: semantics of knowledge structures and syntactic epistemic logic; an approach to constructing diagrammatic epistemic logic is also proposed.


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Dolgorukov V. V. Altenatives to Kripke semantics for epistemic logic // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 2024. VOL. 30. № 1. C. 62-85.
Non-classical logics

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