Сингулярная негативная силлогистика Аристотеля и свободная логика.


V.I. Markin


I set out the reconstruction of Aristotelian singular negative syllogistics by means of modem logic. I propose the translation of syllogistics into a special system of free logic based on Aristotelian interpretation of categorical statements with singular and negative terms. Free logic is the best instrument for the adequate analysis of Aristotelian semantics of such statements. According to Aristotle, each affirmative proposition with singular subject ”v is P” is false and each negative proposition “v isn't P}f is true if an individual v does not exist. I formulate the axiomatic calculus of singular negative syllogistics that is the extension of the system C2 of positive syllogistics by V.A. Smirnov. I suggest the proof that this calculus is embedding into free logic under ‘Aristotelian ” translation.






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