Разрешимые исчисления, основанные на абсолютной релевантной системе В. А. Смирнова.
An approach to the problem o f decidability o f propositional relevant calculi is displayed in the form of effective decision procedure for the calculus closely related to V.A.Smirnov’s «absolute» system. The procedure is presented as proof-search algorithm for the sequent calculus with indexed formulae \textbf{SIRC}. The contribution is restricted by the idea and basic techniques of decision procedure whereas a question o f strategies and heuristics is not discussed. However the method under consideration is supposed to be applicable to several relevant logics.
How to Cite
Bystrov P. Разрешимые исчисления, основанные на абсолютной релевантной системе В. А. Смирнова. // Logicheskie Issledovaniya / Logical Investigations. 1998. VOL. 5. C. 129-134.