Towards World Identification in Description Logics


Farshad Badie


The logical analysis of the usability of nominals, that are introduced by Hybrid Logic, informal descriptions of the world (within modern knowledge representation systems and semantic systems) is very important because nominals, as second sorts of propositional symbols, can support logical identification of the described world at specific states. This paper will focus on answering the philosophical-logical question of ‘how a fundamental world description in the description logic (DL) and a nominal can be related to each other?’. Based on my assumption that nominals can support more adequate identification of the world in DL, this paper will deal with the concept of ‘world identification’. Accordingly, based on a logical-terminological analysis of nominals, it will analyse hybridised fundamental world descriptions. Relying on the outcomes, this research will reach the idea that we can have a hybrid description logic with the analysed concepts.




Philosophical logic


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